Saturday, June 25, 2011

Nighttime Home Invasions

With the arrival of a new brigade of soldiers in the old city of Hebron, Palestinians have reported a rise in home invasions. Raheb, mother of 5 young girls pictured above, recounted the hour-long raid of her home describing how they first searched the roof, then entered their home where her girls were asleep. Soldiers proceeded to empty drawers, pull apart bedding and search the kitchen. Raheb questioned the soldiers; "Why are you here?" The only answer she received that evening was another question; "Where are your men?" The men of the household were outside on the street having been detained by the soldiers. Two of Raheb's five daughters slept through the raid, while the other three watched in terror.

The following night soldiers again, entered a home, ascending an interior staircase passing startled children and waking people from their beds, to stand guard on their roof for no more than 5 minutes. Soldiers insisted on the necessity of their evening invasion, and then required identification from anyone in the household who inquired why they were there. These are just two examples of what have become common disturbances, as Palestinians try to live some semblance of a normal life and Israeli Defense Forces prepare for war.
Pictured above is a door broken by soldiers' forced entry into a home of a deaf woman who lives alone with her son. She reported that in the night, soldiers entered her home and tore through her belongings "looking for drugs". Her apartment is a prime target for harassment, as she is the last household living in the apartment building, that neighbors a settlement on Shuhada St. She came came to CPT for help because she no longer can lock her front door and is scared of soldiers invading her home again.
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